Information on the delivery status:

Immediately available
Delivery time 1-3 working days. Goods are available from stock and will be delivered with the next shipment (depending on payment method)*

In 2-5 business days
Delivery time 2-5 working days. Still available in small stocks or goods in stock in the external warehouse.*

The actual delivery time can range from one week to 2 months. Unfortunately, there is currently no more exact information from the manufacturer. As soon as they can give us a more exact date, we will contact you*

In 4-10 business days
The goods are currently not in stock, but have already been ordered for you or are already on their way to us. According to the manufacturer, it will reach us in such a way that we can deliver it in 4 to 10 working days according to current information.*

In 7-21 days
This product is currently not available and will be ordered for you as soon as possible. According to the manufacturer, a delivery time of up to 3 weeks can be expected in individual cases.*

Currently not available
Unfortunately, the manufacturer cannot give us an exact delivery date at the moment. However, we will be happy to enquire with the manufacturer in individual cases and ask when the goods can be delivered without any obligation.*

Please note the following information:
Even with orders whose delivery time is longer than 1-3 business days, we debit your account immediately when paying by PayPal, credit card, Giropay, iDeal or Sofortüberweisung.

* Should there be any delays in delivery due to e.g. possible stock differences, unexpectedly high incoming orders etc., we will contact you immediately. All information on availability refers to the delivery quantity 1 of the products. Orders with a larger quantity of a product may possibly require a longer delivery time.