Would you prefer a zoom lens or a fixed focal length lens?

When it comes to the question of whether you are right for a fixed focal length or a zoom lens, your personal ideas and habits when taking pictures play an important role. Both variants have some advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage of fixed focal lengths is that they are fixed to one focal length value. You can therefore not react quickly to photo subjects by simply zooming in, as is possible with zoom lenses. On the other hand, zoom lenses are more expensive and often not as fast as fixed focal lengths.
The advantages of fixed focal lengths are:
  • Very good speed, so even low light shots are possible without blur
  • The aperture can be opened wide, so that a beautiful bokeh is created, which is desirable in portrait photography
  • The price is cheaper compared to zoom lenses, which is why you can already buy fast fixed focal lengths for the small purse
The advantages of zoom lenses are:
  • A high degree of flexibility thanks to the zoom function
  • Lens changes are required much less frequently

Choose here from these construction methods :


Fixed focal length

28 Products

Zoom lenses

12 Products

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